Good news for grizzlies

In response to our 2014 request on behalf of the David Suzuki Foundation (DSF), BC’s Auditor General recently launched a project to determine if the provincial government is effectively managing the grizzly bear population in BC, including its controversial trophy hunt.

At the time of the announcement, we were wrapping up another report on grizzlies. This 2016 report raised the alarm about the excessive number of forestry roads in Granby Valley grizzly bear habitat. When we brought this information to the attention of the Auditor General Office, they decided to include the findings of our new report in their investigation.

When our client read the report, she said, “Reading these recommendations brought me to tears because this is exactly what we have been asking for and now we have a legal report to back us up. … You have given us hope that we may indeed be able to protect these magnificent creatures from extirpation…”

In addition to these two projects, another grizzly bear project we prepared with the DSF recently launched. The Grizzly bear toolkit explains how the grizzly bear trophy hunt happens and provides advice on how the public can engage the government in support of grizzly bear conservation in the province.


(Photographer’s note: We’re not actually 100% positive this is a grizzly, but at the time of taking the photograph, all those present believed that it was a grizzly bear, so we use the image here in the spirit of that thrilling moment of unexpectedly seeing what was thought to be a grizzly bear in the wild. )